Thursday, October 9, 2008

How Could You?

How could anybody vote for:
A man who leaves his wife who was severely disabled in a car accident for a much younger woman?

A man whose wife stole money from her own charity to buy RX drugs?

A man who uses smear attacks to fuel his campaign instead of verbalizing his policy to save America from economic peril?

A man who at one moment says the economy is "fundamentally strong, then a few hours later say we are in an economic crisis?

A man who calls one man elitist who owns one home, yet he owns 13?

A man whose wife wears a $300,000 outfit while again talking about elitism?

A man who does not support equal pay for women?

A man who would actually eliminate Medicare and give $5,000 tax credits in one hand and tax the credits in another?

A presidential ticket when the VP can't recite as a journalism major, what magazines she has read?

A presidential ticket when the VP attended four colleges before graduating?

A VP who is educationally bankrupt and intellectually in the deficit?

A VP whose pastor demonizes others?

A VP who wantonly shoots and kill animals for sport. She is no better than Michael Vick.

A "CHRISTIAN WOMAN", who laughs as someone in the audience yells, "KILL HIM!"

A VP whose husband recently supported the secession of Alaska from the U.S.?

A V.P. who is involved in a scandal "Troopergate who refuses to come clean and testify?

A V.P who is by any means necessary as unable to lead the country?

A woman who wants to take away the rights of woman.

If Black woman was a VP candidate and was as educationally/intellectually bankrupt as Sarah Palin, had a teenage daughter who was carrying an illegitimate child, a husband who supported secession of his state from the United States, who was involved in a scandal such as Troopergate, who use her sexuality to secure votes, who can't answer unscripted questions, "I Betcha" wink, wink, you would not support or vote her. Sarah Palin can't speak correct English grammar and this is who you support to possibly run our country.

The thought is utterly unfathomable. You all must be high on RX opiates.

You hockey moms are full of "HOCKEY" as well as "OVERT RACISM"!

If for some reason Sarah Palin becomes President the entire world will mock and laugh @ us.
You hockey moms will then learn to vote for a person based on their "Presidential Qualifications, and not how well they can "Wink" at the audience.

Only in America....